Resolution WHA67.22. Access to essential medicines

REQUESTS the Director-General:

1. To urge Member States to recognize the importance of effective national medicines policies, and their implementation under good governance, in order to ensure equity of access to affordable, safe, effective and quality-assured essential medicines and their rational use in practice;

3. To support Member States in sharing best practices in the selection of essential medicines, and in developing processes for the selection of medicines for national essential medicines lists consistent with the evidence-based methods used for updating the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines;

5. To support Member States in developing and implementing their national medicines policies and supply systems especially with regard to regulation, financing, selection, procurement, distribution, pricing, reimbursement and use, in order to increase their efficiency and ensure the access to safe, effective and quality-assured essential medicines, including high price essential medicines;

  • Access to controlled medicines

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The World Health Assembly has adopted a series of conventions, declarations and resolutions on the issue of ensuring access to essential medicines, including WHA58.22, WHA67.22 and WHA67.19.