Resolution 59/4. Development and dissemination of international standards for the treatment of drug use disorders
Resolution 59/2. Outcomes of the meetings of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and the Abu Dhabi declaration
Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development (58/4)
Resolution 59/1. Our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem (UNGASS Outcome Document)
Resolution WHA68.15. Strengthening emergency and essential surgical care and anaesthesia as a component of universal health coverage
Resolution 58/9. Promoting the role of drug analysis laboratories worldwide and reaffirming the importance of the quality of the analysis and results of such laboratories
Resolution 58/8. Special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem to be held in 2016
Resolution 58/7. Strengthening cooperation with the scientific community, including academia, and promoting scientific research in drug demand and supply reduction policies in order to find effective solutions to various aspects of the world drug problem
Resolution 58/5. Supporting the collaboration of public health and justice authorities in pursuing alternative measures to conviction or punishment for appropriate drug-related offences of a minor nature