Resolution 24/21. Civil society space: creating and maintaining, in law and in practice, a safe and enabling environment (A/HRC/RES/24/21)

Recognizing the important role of civil society at the local, national, regional and international levels, and that civil society facilitates the achievement of the purposes and principles of the United Nations,
  • Civil society engagement

Reaffirming that special emphasis should be given to measures to assist in the strengthening of a pluralistic civil society, including through the strengthening of the rule of law, social and economic development, the promotion of freedom of expression, the right  of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, and the administration of justice, and to the real and effective participation of the people in the decision-making processes,
  • Civil society engagement

Recognizing the crucial importance of the active involvement of civil society, at all levels, in processes of governance and in promoting good governance, including through transparency and accountability, at all levels, which is indispensable for building peaceful, prosperous and democratic societies,
  • Civil society engagement

Mindful that domestic legal and administrative provisions and their application should facilitate, promote and protect an independent, diverse and pluralistic civil society and, in this regard, strongly rejecting any acts of intimidation or reprisals against civil society,
  • Civil society engagement

1. Reminds States of their obligation to respect and fully protect the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all individuals (…)
  • Civil society engagement

2. Urges States to create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe and enabling environment in which civil society can operate free from hindrance and insecurity;
  • Civil society engagement

3. Also urges States to acknowledge publicly the important and legitimate role of civil society in the promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and to engage with civil society to enable it to participate in the public debate on decisions that would contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law, and of any other relevant decisions; (…)
  • Civil society engagement

5. Emphasizes the essential role of civil society in subregional, regional and international organizations, including in support of the organizations’ work, and in sharing experience and expertise through participation in meetings in accordance with relevant rules and modalities and, in this regard, reaffirms the right of everyone, individually and in association with others, to unhindered access to and communication with subregional, regional and international bodies, in particular the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms; (…)
  • Civil society engagement

8. Decides to organize, at its twenty-fifth session, a panel discussion on the importance of the promotion and protection of civil society space, which will, inter alia, contribute to the identification of challenges facing States in their efforts to ensure space for civil society and lessons learned and good practices in this regard, and invites the Office of the High Commissioner to liaise with States, relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, relevant special procedures, civil society and other stakeholders with a view to ensuring their participation in the panel discussion;
  • Civil society engagement

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