The speakers noted that alternative development programmes are geared towards not only reducing the illicit cultivation of coca, opium poppy and cannabis, but also improving the socio-economic conditions of marginalized farming communities who in many cases have no other means to earn a livelihood other than to engage in illicit crop cultivation.
- Alternative development
Speakers recognized that there can be no sustainable development without peace, and a holistic response is needed to the world drug problem, including by addressing the broader socio-economic issues and by ensuring the development approach to the world drug problem. The speakers highlighted that alternative development should be included into broader national development strategies.
- Development/SDGs
The speakers highlighted the importance and added value of this special session in further advancing alternative development as an important development oriented drug control approach that addresses the root causes of illicit drug crop cultivation. The speakers reiterated the importance of incorporating alternative development into the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and recognized that it directly contributes to the accomplishment of sustainable development goals.
- Alternative development
- Development/SDGs
The importance of addressing the needs of women, the issues of environmental sustainability in the implementation of alternative development was highlighted.
- Alternative development
The speakers noted that in order for alternative development to unlock its full potential, it is important to address the discrepancy between the political endorsement of alternative development and the limited funding alternative development has received, which has often been provided on a short term basis. Alternative development funding must be stepped up to meet the actual needs of the vulnerable farming communities.
- Alternative development
A number of speakers highlighted that alternative development must be designed with a human-centred approach and based on human rights.
- Alternative development
- Human rights
Some speakers highlighted the importance of implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development when designing relevant policies and implementing alternative development on the ground. International and regional cooperation, including South-South cooperation were mentioned as critical for ensuring alternative development success.
- Alternative development
Some speakers highlighted the need to consider implementing alternative development in the urban settings to encourage the development of viable economic alternatives, particularly for communities affected by poverty and drug-related activities in urban areas, in particular to women and youth.
- Alternative development
The speakers pointed at the critical importance of involving all relevant stakeholders, in particular farmer communities, in all phases of alternative development implementation development to ensure full participation in the implementation and ownership of alternative development programmes.
- Alternative development
- Civil society engagement
This is a summary of one of the five thematic roundtables held at the UNGASS in April 2016. This UNGASS roundtable has been instrumental in expanding the concept of alternative development to a broader development-oriented approach for drug control, and in fully taking into account the sustainable development goals, adopted in September 2015.