a. Work with member states to develop evidence-based programming, which is gender sensitive and informed by the existing evidence and guidelines relevant to HIV prevention, treatment and care for injecting drug users, including structural interventions that create enabling environments;
b. Within the framework of efforts to advocate for sufficient resources to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, work with member states and other donors to ensure that funding is allocated to implement effective, evidence-based programmes to address HIV and injecting drug use, including through the work of impacted civil society networks;
c. Strengthen recommendations regarding the importance of justice, law enforcement, and health sector collaboration, alternatives to incarceration, the need for science and evidence to drive policy, and comprehensive evidence-based prevention and treatment programmes, including medication-assisted treatment;
36th Meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board – Geneva, Switzerland
8.2 Recognizes the need to strengthen action to address transmission of HIV among people who use drugs, by adopting and implementing comprehensive drug policies that are based on evidence and respect for human rights, that promote the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, that respect the dignity of all persons, and that are informed by the harm reduction interventions related to HIV and people who use drugs, as enumerated in the WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS Technical Guide For Countries to Set Targets for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care for Injecting Drug Users and the WHO Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations, in line with national contexts, and further, that HIV services for people who use drugs should be planned, implemented, monitored and evaluated with inclusion of people who use drugs;
8.3 Encourages the Joint Programme to:
8.4 Encourages the Joint Programme and relevant partners to fully engage in, and bring their substantive expertise to, the 2016 UNGASS on the World Drug Problem in order to promote public health outcomes such as reducing HIV transmission and ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, including in the framework of the International Drug Control System, and further encourages that issues impacting on HIV among people who use drugs feature prominently in the 2016 High Level Meeting on HIV;