Good practices in Asia : Effective paradigm shifts towards an improved national response to drugs and HIV

The report praises increased availability of harm reduction services and a transition from compulsory abstinence programs to voluntary treatment with a wide range of options. Recommendations include “increase MMT doses to comply with international guidelines,” “harmonize laws and policies to avoid criminalization of essential health services,” “rapidly increase ART among PWUD” by reducing discrimination, and to transition from compulsory treatment to evidence-based voluntary treatment.
  • Harm reduction

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The report praises increased availability of harm reduction services and a transition from compulsory abstinence programs to voluntary treatment with a wide range of options. Recommendations include “increase MMT doses to comply with international guidelines,” “harmonize laws and policies to avoid criminalization of essential health services,” “rapidly increase ART among PWUD” by reducing discrimination, and to transition from compulsory treatment to evidence-based voluntary treatment.