Resolution 49/4. Responding to the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne diseases among drug users

Recalling the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1987, in which the Board stressed the need for Governments to adopt measures aimed at the reduction of needle-sharing among injecting drug users in order to control the spread of HIV/AIDS by that means,1 and keeping in mind that any prophylactic measures should not promote or facilitate drug abuse,
  • Harm reduction
Recalling also the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2003, in which the Board stated that the implementation of drug substitution treatment did not constitute any breach of treaty provisions,
  • Harm reduction
To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that are consistent with international drug control treaties and have been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injecting and other drug users, under the supervision of the competent authorities or institutions;
  • Harm reduction

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