Resolution 48/9. Strengthening alternative development as an important drug control strategy and establishing alternative development as a cross-cutting issue

5. Reiterates that, in formulating and implementing drug control strategies, Member States and United Nations entities should ensure that measures of law enforcement, interdiction, eradication and alternative development are applied in a coherent and balanced manner and in the appropriate sequence and that there is optimal coordination between the various institutions involved;
  • Alternative development

6. Calls upon Member States and national and international development organizations to increase their efforts to empower local communities and authorities in project areas and to enhance their participation in the decision-making process in order to increase their ownership of the development measures undertaken in accordance with national legislation and the sustainability of those measures and to create a law-abiding and prosperous rural society;
  • Alternative development

8. Urges Member States to review their policies and strategies in the light of the rigorous and comprehensive thematic evaluation of alternative development recently carried out on behalf of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime confirming the urgent need to improve knowledge management and capacity building;
  • Alternative development

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